Sunday, April 5, 2015

Anything but A card Chalenge 45: Fool's Gold

This month's theme for Anything but a card challenge blog is Fool's gold. Metals, gold or a fool. I had a project in mind for this theme, but I couldn't find what I was looking for in time so plan B.

I did a journal page. The page had some left over Teal Dylusions spray on it. I went through my napkins to see if I had anything gold. I did so Glued that down with Claudine Helmuth's multi-medium. The color from the Dylusion's spray was coming up which I knew it was going to do that, so I was okay. After that was dried I sprayed more of that Dylusions spray through a stencil. Heat set it and then I grabbed my glass bead gel and the circle stencil from UmWowStudio . I let that sit over night. The next day I took a gold gel stick from Faber-Castell and went over the edges of the page. Also to it to the circles. I was starting to look like a hot mess. 

I then took one of my Julie Nutting doll stamps and stamped her on some gold glittered paper from Studio Calico. cut out and glued her to her body. I was a little ticked that I got glue on her dress and made it worse by trying to get it off. I knew I would have to cover that up. I found a quote about fools.  printed it and cut it up and glued it to the page. As you see I put the author of the quote on her dress. lol I added a bow to her hair band. Its made using a mold by Mod Podge and Amazing Casting Resin.  The butterfly is a wood piece by Prima and colored it using gold Inka Gold.

Don't forget to stop by the blog to see the other Design Team Members are doing. And play along!


Mrs Beez said...

Great page Sheri, love all the textures on the background. If I could have a fancy ball gown, it would be just like this with those fabulous stars!

Neva Cole said...

So many wonderful details even when you need to cover a booboo. Wonderful use of gold.

Toni said...

Julie... love your glass bead gel... gives that beautiful texture to your background, and isn't it fun when we start doing one thing and it takes a turn in a different direction. Beautiful job !!!

Toni said...

Sheri.... lol I'm sorry, I'm so bad... after reading my post to you I realized I put your name as Julie....I love Julie Nutting stamps and that's what I was focusing on because I want to buy some of these, so without thinking I just wrote your name as Julie... so sorry, I think I need a cup of coffee... lol

2amscrapper said...

I have this doll stamp. I love how you incorporated it into your journaling.