Monday, December 9, 2013

books to read in 2014

As you can see in my Shlefira widget I added more books to the to be read shelf. My Challenge to myself is to read them next year. Darcy is not going to be doing a challenge next year, but the FB ARC will still open for us who took part of it this year.

This year I picked out 10 books. Even though you see 12 on my shelf. I'm hoping to read the 2 books by Jenn McKinlay before the new year starts. The reason for 10 books is the 2 of the books I picked hare HUGE and will probably take me 2 months to read them. :P

In no order here are the books I plan to read next year:

Who Died In Here? by Pat Dennis

The Bite Before Christmas by Lynsay Sands and Jeaniene Frost

Blood Oath (Nathaniel Cade)  by Christopher Farnsworth

Shoulda Been There by Jude Southland Kessler

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